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English Courses

Hot Works 2024 (K20-EN)

The course is required for anyone who is going to work with hot work. It provides a basic understanding of the laws and regulations which apply for the one working with hot work.
The course provides an understanding on how to assess risk when performing hot work and what the dangers are working with different types of equipment and worksites. The course also explains how to minimize risk and procedures on how to extinguish fire.

• The safety regulation
• Laws and regulations
• Fire-and extinguishing theory
• Behavior during a fire
• Risk
• Hazards linked to equipment and worksite
• Hazards when using gas
• First aid

The online course is flexible and practical- and gives you the possibility to take the course in a manner suited to you. You can split up the course in several sessions, so it is best suited for your situation.

To receive the certificate, the following must be approved:
• Pass the theoretical exam in the online course
• Send documentation of fire extinguishing exercise, no later than 3 months after complementing the course

Documents to fill out are provided in the course, as well as instructions for the practice extinguishing exercise.

Course duration: ~7.5 hours

The price for the course includes digital textbook, workbook and digital certificate.

Our course in hot work is approved by the Norwegian fire protection association and updated in accordance to new safety regulation 2024.

You will receive a digital certificate from the Norwegian fire protection association after completing the course.
  • Introduction
  • Course in Hot Works
  • Hot Works - practical training
  • Telephone number is mandatory
  • Objective
  • Course layout
  • Learning outcomes
  • How to complete the course
  • Exam
  • What is Hot Work?
  • Examples of Equipment and Working Methods
  • Notification - practice documents
  • Textbook - FIRE PROTECTION during hot work
  • Work booklet - FIRE PROTECTION during hot work
  • Part 1: The Safety Regulation for The Performance of Hot Work
  • The Safety Regulation for The Performance of Hot Work
  • Fires Caused by Hot Work – Fire Department
  • Fires Caused by Hot Work - Insurance
  • Insurance Payments in Millions
  • The Certification Scheme
  • The Certificate
  • Certification Schemes in the Scandinavia
  • Part 1 – The Certification Scheme
  • Part 2: Laws and Regulations
  • Laws and Regulations
  • Overview – Laws and Regulations
  • Laws and regulations
  • Fire and Explosion Prevention Act
  • Working Environment Act
  • Internal Control Regulation
  • Regulation Concerning the Performance of Work
  • Regulation Concerning the Performance of Work
  • Public regulations
  • Insurance companies’ requirements
  • When Does the Safety Regulation Apply?
  • Point 3 - Agreements with external tradesmen/contractors
  • Point 4.1 Checklist
  • Point 4.2 – Combustible Material
  • Point 4.3 – Sealing Openings
  • Point 4.4 – Approved Extinguishing Equipment
  • Point 4.5 – Fire Watch
  • Point 4.6 – Valid certificate
  • Point 5 Works on Roof
  • Fill in the blanks - task
  • Breach of Laws and Regulations – Liability and Retribution I
  • Breach of Laws and Regulations – Liability and Retribution II
  • Part 2 – Laws and regulations
  • Part 3: Fire- and extinguishing theory
  • Fire- and extinguishing theory
  • What is a fire?
  • Types of Fires
  • Phases of a fire
  • Fire Triangle
  • Fire triangle – task
  • Ignition
  • Flashpoint and Ignition Temperature
  • Heat Dissipation
  • Heat Dissipation - Conducting
  • Heat Dissipation - Conducting animation
  • Heat Dissipation - Radiation
  • Heat Dissipation - Radiation animation
  • Heat Dissipation – Heat Flow
  • Heat Dissipation – Heat Flow animation
  • Heat Dissipation – Hot Particles
  • Heat Dissipation – Hot Particles animation
  • Fire Spreading
  • Fire Growth
  • Doubling Principle animation
  • Passive Fire Protection
  • Extinguishing – Four Methods to Extinguish Fire
  • Extinguishing – Methods
  • Fire extinguishing - Water
  • Do not do it at home: water in oil
  • Warning!
  • Extinguishing Fire - Powder
  • Extinguishing Fire – Extinguishing gas
  • Drag and drop – task
  • Extinguishing – Equipment Requirements
  • Extinguishing agents and classes
  • Extinguishing - Inspection, Check-up and Maintenance
  • Extinguishing - Self inspection / check up
  • Part 3 – Fire-and Extinguishing Theory
  • Part 4: Behavior During a Fire
  • Behavior During a Fire
  • In the Case of Fire
  • Learn to extinguish - fire protection during hot work
  • Gas Fires
  • Where should the powder extinguisher be directed - task
  • Extinguishing fires in clothing
  • Flaming clothes - animation
  • Parties Involved After a Fire and Outbreak of Fire
  • Employer
  • Police
  • Labor Inspection Authorithy
  • Insurance Companies
  • Consequences of Fire
  • Part 4 – Behavior during a fire
  • Part 5: Risk
  • Risk
  • What is Risk?
  • Risk assesment
  • Mapping
  • Assessment
  • Measures
  • Risk Mapping and Assessment I
  • Risk Mapping and Assessment II
  • Practical Risk Assessment
  • Duty to Examine – and Duty to Inform
  • Employer's Duty to Inform
  • Performer of Hot Works Duty to Examine
  • Measures
  • Measures – Fire Watch
  • The Fire Watch’s Duties
  • Fire Watch – Special Cases
  • Fire Watch – After Hot Work is Finished
  • Documentation – Checklist
  • Checklist I
  • Checklist II
  • Checklist III
  • Checklist IV
  • Checklist V
  • Checklist VI
  • Part 5 – What is risk
  • Part 6: Hazards Linked to Equipment and Worksite
  • Hazards Linked to Equipment and Worksite
  • Equipment
  • Burners with Naked Flame
  • Hot Air
  • Burners With Shielded Combustion (Hot Air)
  • Angle Grinders and Angle Cutters
  • Roofing – Naked flame and closed flame
  • Roofing – Hot air
  • Roofing – Hot Bitumen
  • Roofing – Other Hazards
  • Hot Works in Tanks
  • Standby Person
  • Part 6 – Hazards linked to equipment and worksite
  • Part 7: Hazards When Working With Gas
  • Hazards When Working With Gas
  • Color codes on gas cylinders
  • Handling and storage of gas cylinders
  • Gas Leaks
  • Propane
  • Oxsygen
  • Acetylene
  • Part 7 – Dangers when using gas
  • Part 8: First aid
  • First Aid
  • Burn injuries
  • Minor Burn Injuries
  • Stop the Burning Process
  • Cool Down the Wounded Part
  • Covering the Burns
  • Cleaning the Wound
  • Fill in the blanks – task
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • General First Aid
  • CPR
  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Stop Bleedings
  • Part 8 – First Aid
  • Examen
  • Conclusion and Exam
  • Exam 2024
  • Hot works certificates
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 60 months, 2 days